Friday, September 24, 2004
Sometimes, in my furious and surely flawed analysis of election issues, I forget to include some of the more entertaining aspects of the campaign season. Because of this, I feel as though I may have let my audience (all three of you) down. So, without further ado, a round-up of sorts. Enjoy.
Sometimes, in my furious and surely flawed analysis of election issues, I forget to include some of the more entertaining aspects of the campaign season. Because of this, I feel as though I may have let my audience (all three of you) down. So, without further ado, a round-up of sorts. Enjoy.
- A new poll, found here, shows Kerry well ahead of Bush. In fact, even Satan ranks above the incumbent in this one. Apparently, poll respondents don't care for the president's quvHa'ghach.
- P.Puffy.Diddy.Combs has reminded us all of how important voting is with his "Vote or Die" campaign, a pretty dire set of choices indeed. But what might really drive the nation's youth to the polls this November is the prospect of "not getting any" if they skip the vote. I introduce you to Votergasm, an effort to "send 100,000 first-time youth voters to polls for the 2004 elections, and catalyze 250,000 orgasms by the morning of November 3."
- Of course, the Republicans have their own tactics for rallying non-voters to the polls. I think they call this campaign "Get Out the Hate." And yes, this is a real flyer sent to residents of Arkansas and West Virginia. And yes, just today the GOP admitted to playing a part in this effort. Shame.
- During this most sacred of times on the Jewish calendar, the high holidays, it seems appropriate to shine a spotlight on Operation Bubbe, an effort to help Jewish retirees in the state of Florida to the polls and educate them on how to read these new-fangled ballots. Considering an estimated 20,000 Florida Jews cast a vote for noted anti-Semite Pat Buchanan in 2000, I guess this makes perfect sense.
- Speaking of Florida, here is the new, simplified ballot for 2004.
- And finally, at least someone cares what the French think.
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