Thursday, July 28, 2005
Is this what we have to do to get the mainstream media to pull their heads out of their asses? Seriously, I'm at a loss. I realize that young Ms. Holloway's Aruban disappearance is tragic, and I'm certain that it's been horrible for her family and friends. I'm sympathetic to that, don't get me wrong, but I'm sick and tired of hearing about her. The girl is gone. After 60+ days, why does she still lead the news? Doesn't the media understand that a scandal worse than Watergate is brewing in the nation's capital? Hey, media, when you find out what happened to the poor girl, let us know. Until then, focus people, focus! Why is W. flipping off the media? They're doing him a favor.
FOX News' Greta Van Susteran defends herself by touting the fact that "more people now know about Aruban law than they ever did before." Oh, well, thank god for that. Seriously, when Aruban law, at least when applied to pretty blonde girls from middle America, trumps breaches of national security and Oval Office coverups, our only recourse as poor, penniless bloggers is to attempt to link Karl Rove to Natalee's abduction. You never know, it's not really that far-fetched is it? The guy is pretty frickin' evil after all. Wait, is that Rove on the beach in Aruba?? A-ha! Gotcha!!
Tired of boning up on your Aruban law? Here's a quick recap of recent developments in the ever-widening scandal that is the RoveGate:
- As it should, the "ongoing investigation" has expanded to include more than just the singular question of "who leaked Valerie Plame's name?" Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's probe now includes potential perjury charges against Rove and Scooter (and Bolton?), as well as the possibility of a full-blown coverup to knock down allegations that BushCo. lied us into war with Iraq. Remember what this is about: A Bullshit War and how we got here.
- And so what will the White House do to fight back against these potentially explosive and administration-ending charges? Smear, discredit and slime the special prosecutor of course. The same special prosecutor they appointed by the way.
- Oh, so when Bush said he would punish anyone found to be involved in the Plame leak, what he meant was he'd give them a raise. Yep, that's what happened to Rove, Scooter and friends this week, they got pay raises. Nice.
- Oh, and about that defense that Rove & Co. didn't realize Plame was undercover when they leaked her name? Um, yeah, bullshit. Maybe Rove, Scooter and friends mistook the big, huge "S" in the State Department memo for, uh, "So not classified." Yeah, that's it. (the "S", by the way, stands for "Secret")
- It was also reported over the weekend that after being notified an investigation into the leak was undreway, then White House counsel and present US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales waited 12 hours to inform administration officials that they must preserve all documents and communication related to the Plame matter. This revelation raises all sorts of questions about who may have been given advance warning of the investigation and therefore time to destory any incriminating evidence. This 12-hour gap (or was it an 84-hour gap?) will be scrutinized as closely as the infamous 18 1/2-minute gap in the Nixon tapes.
- Speaking of Nixon, the Watergate question was finally asked this week: "What did the President know and when did he know it?"
- Oh, and those stories that surfaced this week of a possible Rove sex scandal? Classic distraction, probably planted by Rove himself. Ignore them. I really don't give a shit if he screwed some Texas lobbyist. Hell, I don't care if he screwed an entire boy scout troop. What I do care about is the fact that he and all his cronies screwed the country. Besides, everyone knows Rove is screwing Jeff Gannon/Guckhert. Sheesh.
- And why hasn't there been a congressional investigation into this case? Oh, that's right, the Republicons are in charge. Here's a handy clock to tell us just how long it's taken the GOP congress to take action. Also included, the revelation that the GOP congress held at least 20 hearings about Clinton's blow job and at least zero hearings about this breach of national security. Of course.
- But they're not only ignoring the Rove case, they're also ignoring such inconsequential matters as a National Defense bill, you know, to defend the country. And why? Because it was more important to protect their friends in the NRA, that's why. Shameless idiots, all of 'em.
The leak. It's what's important.
Kuro5hin: 'F' Natalee Holloway
SwiftReport: Americans "bored" by "hard to follow" Rove story.
AllSpin: What about Latoyia Figueroa? Oh, wait, she's not white. Never mind.
Fiore: Double Super Secret Background
Avery Ant: Karl Rove, Sinister Sex Symbol
A few helpful Time Lines: FactCheck and DCCC
Rove gauges the amount of time he has left in his career.